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Birding Under a Cloudless Sky

Hitting Saul Kere this weekend with a friend who'd never been!  A little worried there wouldn't be enough birds to keep him interested, but Saul Kere did its magic. Here's what we spotted.

Traffic got the best of our sunrise plans, but the moon decided to stick around for a bit.

160 days without rain! Bangalore's lakes are bone dry, but a sliver of water remains at Saul Kere.  Look at this incredible gathering of waders – storks, egrets, and herons all competing for space.

Our attention was quickly captured by these painted storks. These ones seemed to be working together, dipping their beaks in unison to catch fish.

Not all waders were social butterflies! This Great Egret stuck to its usual solitary hunting style, patiently stalking its prey in the shallow water.

Unlike the cooperative painted storks, Grey Herons preferred to hunt alone. In fact, one was seen taking off for quieter spots when the storks got a little too close.

Persistence is key!  These painted storks weren't giving up. After a period of dedicated probing in the water, a few of them got their well-deserved fish.

These spot-billed pelicans caught our eye with their unusual teamwork.  Unlike their usual solitary hunting style, these two seemed to be working in tandem.

This common hawk cuckoo seemed rather disturbed by the early morning walkers at Saul Kere.  Luckily for me, its frequent flights between trees provided the perfect opportunity to capture it in a variety of poses and lighting conditions.

"Mom, are you serious?!"  These subadult cormorant chicks seem to be expressing their displeasure at mama cormorant's lack of immediate service. 

Almost ready to fledge!  These subadult cormorant chicks are nearing the end of their stay in the nest. Their growing size and attempts to leave the comfort zone are signs that they'll soon be venturing out on their own.

In the midst of all the cooperative hunting at Saul Kere, this pair of white-cheeked barbets seems to have a bit of a disagreement.

This juvenile pied bush chat has taken the first steps towards independence, venturing out of the nest. But mom isn't quite ready to let go yet, providing a much-needed meal to fuel its adventures.

Busy beak! This mama pied bush chat is on a mission. With a hungry chick to feed, she's diligently searching for insects to fuel the fledgling's growth.

A harbinger of hope! Spotting a Jacobin Cuckoo at Saul Kere is a sight that fills the hearts of locals with optimism. According to folklore, this crested bird heralds the arrival of monsoon rains. With their gaze seemingly fixed on the clouds, they've earned the nickname "rain watcher."  Could this be a sign of a downpour on the horizon?

Like the Jacobin Cuckoo looking for rain, I scanned the empty sky. Only the moon remained, a reminder of the dry day.

Witnessing the black-winged stilt's dance between the spot-billed ducks, I was swept away in a daydream of dancing under a downpour – a sweet escape from the dry season's relentless hold.

With that, we called it a day at Saul Kere.  Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into the wonders of the lake during the dry season.  What was your favorite bird sighting? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts!

Early Bird Magic at Hoskote Lake

Another short trip to Hoskote Lake in the early morning to capture the sunrise and photograph the birds. Here are the pics.

The sunrise was spectacular, but it's the silhouette shots I'm most excited about!

The first birds bathed in the morning glow were these rosy starlings.

A large grey babbler with its eyes alight, arrived with a beakful of nesting treasures.


Soon, its partner arrived, also carrying nesting materials. 

A red-whiskered bulbul perched beautifully on a branch.

A white-browed bulbul too was seen nearby.

I got a glimpse of a male Asian koel.

The clear melody of an oriental magpie robin filled the air as it perched on a high branch.

An even higher perch was claimed by a coppersmith barbet, its vibrant colors gleaming in the sunlight.

A sliver of black wing peeked through the grey feathers of a Black-winged kite! Look at its attractive eyes.

A clamorous reed warbler was seen next.

A green bee-eater swooped to catch insects in flight.

Perched proudly, a black drongo fanned its tail feathers.

A fleeting glimpse of a Grey-bellied cuckoo, then was lucky enough to catch it soaring through the trees.

A pied bush chat couple, the male in his striking black and white plumage, the female in her more subdued browns.

I watched, mesmerized, as the female purple-rumped sunbirds flitted and perched on the branches, their bodies seemingly defying gravity.

And the last sighting of the day was this little egret making a splash and catching a small fry.

Curious to hear your thoughts! Do post your comments below.